15+ Black Rooster Breeds And Hens – A Comprehensive Guide

Black rooster breeds and their ladies have a very regal and mystifying appearance. Their colors take on hues of blues and greens in the sunlight, which can be captivating to watch as they forage about in your back yard.

Are you captivated by the mystique and allure of black chicken breeds? These striking birds have fascinated many with their unique appearance and intriguing characteristics.

In this article, we go deeper into the world of black chickens, exploring numerous black rooster breeds with black rooster photos, their origins, and their distinctive features.

Ayam Cemani chick

By the end of this tour of black chickens, you will have a deeper understanding of these magnificent birds and be equipped to choose the right black rooster breed for your needs.

Short Summary

  • Explore 15+ black rooster and chicken breeds to find the right one for your flock or homestead, considering factors such as egg-producing capabilities, meat qualities, temperament, and appearance.
  • Black chickens do not produce black eggs.
  • Research is essential before purchasing an Ayam Cemani Rooster due to its rarity and unique all-black appearance.
  • Silkie Roosters are popular pets but a poor choice for a dual-purpose breed due to their small size & small amount of meat. These birds are primarily kept as ornamental birds.

Discovering Black Rooster Breeds

black rooster type

Black chicken breeds offer diverse characteristics, from their egg-laying abilities and meat production to their striking appearance and demeanor. As you embark on your journey to raise chickens, it’s essential to consider what you’re looking for in a breed.

Do you want a prolific egg layer that produces fresh eggs regularly?

Or perhaps you’re more interested in a rare breed that produces black meat with a unique taste?

Each breed has distinct traits; understanding these will help you make an informed decision.

When selecting a black rooster breed, or its companion hen, consider factors such as egg color, feather and skin color, body size, egg-laying ability, and temperament.

Some hen breeds, like the Minorca, are known for their large brown eggs, while others, like the Silkie, offer unique appearances with their fluffy feathers and black skin.

Also, consider their compatibility with other breeds, cold weather tolerance, and broodiness.

By evaluating your goals for raising black chickens and understanding the specific traits of each breed, you can find the ideal match for your backyard flock or homestead.

Australorp Roosters and Hens

black australorp

The Australian rooster and hen is a dual-purpose chicken breed developed in Australia, known for its calm and broody nature. This friendly breed is an excellent choice for raising black chickens for egg and meat production.

Australorp hens can lay around 200 to 280 medium-sized brown eggs annually, making them a great addition to any backyard hobby farm or homestead.

Australorp roosters are friendly, docile, hardy, and adaptable, making them an ideal bird for those new to raising chickens or looking for a low-maintenance black chicken breed.

If you’re searching for a friendly black chicken breed that is great for egg production and easy to care for, the Australorp rooster might be the perfect fit.

Ayam Cemani Roosters and Hens

Ayam Cemani; black rooster breeds and hens

The Ayam Cemani is a rare and captivating breed native to Java, Indonesia. With their striking all-black appearance, including black feathers, black bones, and even their internal organs, are, yes, you guessed it, black.

These solid black birds are a sight to behold. This uniform black hue is due to a genetic mutation called fibromelanosis.

However, their beauty comes with a hefty price tag. A breeding pair can cost up to $5000. Though Ayam Cemani chickens are expensive and challenging to find, they possess a unique cyclical laying pattern, laying 20-30 cream-colored eggs before taking a break and starting again.

If you’re interested in raising this exotic breed, thoroughly research before purchasing from hatchery sites or private sellers to avoid acquiring hybrid chickens passed off as purebred Ayam Cemani.

Breda Roosters and Hens

Breda roosters and hens are rare black chickens with no comb but a unique feather style and calm temperament. Their peaceful nature and good egg-producing abilities make them an excellent choice for those looking for a dual-purpose breed that can provide both eggs and meat.

Breda chickens are a smaller breed but are highly efficient meat producers, boasting rich and flavorful meat.

The Breda rooster may be the perfect choice to raise an unusual black chicken breed with a unique appearance and excellent egg and meat qualities.

Their calm temperament and distinct feather style make them a delightful addition to any flock, and their dual-purpose nature ensures they can provide both eggs and meat for your family.

Cochin (Pekin) Roosters And Hens

black cochin chicken breed

Cochin (Pekin) roosters are a big and fluffy breed from China, known for their pea combs and friendly nature. These large birds come in pure black and other color varieties, making them popular for those looking for an ornamental breed or a friendly pet.

Their calm and gentle demeanor makes them an excellent choice for families or those new to raising chickens.

Despite their impressive size, Cochin (Pekin) roosters are not known for their egg-production or meat-production capabilities. They lay 120 to 160 medium-brown eggs annually.

Instead, they are prized for their friendly nature and unique appearance, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a great pet or ornamental black chicken breed.

If you’re interested in raising a friendly and unique black chicken, the Cochin (Pekin) rooster may be the perfect choice.

Java Roosters And Hens

Java Rooster

Java roosters are an American breed with a slow growth rate, but they are suitable for homestead coops and backyards due to their broody nature, large egg production, and docility.

Developed in the United States, this breed has a reputation for its hardiness and adaptability, making it an excellent choice for a versatile, low-maintenance black chicken breed.

While Java roosters may not be the fastest-growing breed, their impressive egg-laying capabilities and suitability for meat and egg production make them popular for those seeking a dual-purpose black chicken breed. The hens lay 150-180 large dark or medium brown eggs annually.

The Java rooster may be the perfect fit if you’re looking for a hardy and adaptable black chicken breed that can provide eggs and meat for your family.

Jersey Giant Roosters And Hens

Jersey Giant black rooster breeds

As the name suggests, Jersey Giants are the largest black rooster breed, true poultry Giants, weighing up to a whopping 13 pounds (on occasion, as much as 15 lbs!).

Originating in New Jersey, these gentle giants are known for their long necks, broad bodies, and vivid red wattles, combs, and earlobes.

Despite their size, Jersey Giant roosters are docile and easygoing, making them excellent family birds.

Their size and gentle nature make Jersey Giants an excellent choice for large breeds for egg and meat production. These impressive birds can yield up to 175 to 250 large eggs annually.

However, their size also requires more space in coops and runs than other breeds.

So, if you have the space and are looking for a friendly, sizeable black chicken breed, the Jersey Giant may be the perfect fit for your backyard hobby farm.

Kadaknath Roosters And Hens

Kadaknath Rooster

The Kadaknath rooster is a black chicken breed native to India, known for its black meat and fair creamy white to brownish (sometimes tinted pink from the bloom) egg capabilities.

This unique breed is renowned for its striking black color, adaptability to any environment, and high protein content, making it a desirable source of nutrition.

The meat of Kadaknath roosters is highly esteemed for its unique texture, flavor, and medicinal properties and is considered a delicacy in India.

If you’re interested in raising a genuinely distinctive and flavorful black chicken, the Kadaknath rooster may be the perfect fit.

La Flèche Roosters And Hens

Hailing from France, La Flèche roosters are a rare breed with a devil-like comb and a slow growth rate. Despite their slow growth, La Flèche roosters are highly sought after for their delectable meat, considered a delicacy in France.

This breed may not be the most practical choice for those looking for a faster-growing meat bird or prolific egg layer.

Still, their unique appearance and exquisite meat make them an interesting and exotic addition to any flock.

La Flèche roosters are an excellent choice for those looking to raise a rare and unique breed with exceptional meat quality.

However, their slow growth rate and limited egg-production capabilities may make them less suitable for those seeking a more dual-purpose breed.

If you’re interested in raising a genuinely distinctive and flavorful black chicken, the La Flèche rooster or hens may be the perfect fit.

Langshan Roosters And Hens

Bantam Black Croad Langshan

Langshan roosters are a rare breed from China, known for their feathered legs, calm and graceful nature, and dual purpose for meat or eggs. They are on the “watch” list with the Livestock Conservancy.

The Langshan possess a distinguished appearance, including their dark bluish-black colored legs, making them stand out among other black chicken breeds.

They are known contributors to other popular breeds of chickens, such as the Jersey Giant, Black Orpington, Barnevelder, and the Black Copper Marans.

black marans chicken breed
Black Marans Chicken

Langshan roosters and hens are generally docile yet not overly affectionate, making them a versatile choice for those seeking a chicken breed with a bit more independence.

As a dual-purpose breed, Langshan chickens are suitable for meat and egg production, laying 150 to 200 eggs annually.

However, their endangered status means that raising Langshan roosters is also a valuable contribution to preserving this rare breed.

If you’re interested in a unique black chicken breed that can provide both meat and eggs, Langshan roosters might be the perfect choice for your flock.

Minorca Roosters And Hens

black rooster breeds feathers

Minorca roosters originate from the Mediterranean island of Menorca, Spain. They are large and flighty birds known for their unique appearance and good egg-production abilities. The Minorca has stunning green shimmer on black feathers, bright red combs and wattles, and large white earlobes. This bird is truly a striking addition to any flock.

While not known for their meat production, Minorca chickens are excellent egg layers, producing large brown eggs that are both nutritious and delicious. These hens lay 140 to upwards of 220 eggs annually.

The Minorca, Langshan, and Barred Plymouth Rocks all contributed to the development of the Orpington breed.

Their flighty nature may make them less suitable for those seeking a more docile and friendly breed.

Still, their impressive egg-laying abilities and unique appearance make them a smart choice for those looking to raise black chickens for egg production.

Orpington Roosters And Hens

Orpington roosters and hens are popular, community-oriented chickens with thick, fluffy black plumage that originates from Great Britain. They are well-suited for backyard flocks and are known for their friendly and docile nature.

The Orpington breed is a medium-sized chicken. This breed is an excellent choice for those looking for a versatile bird for eggs and meat.

Orpington hens are known for their impressive egg-laying abilities, producing between 200 and 300 large brown eggs annually.

Their calm, family-friendly demeanor makes them popular among chicken keepers and a great addition to any backyard hobby farm.

So, if you’re looking for a friendly black poultry breed that is great for egg production and easy to care for, the Orpington chicken might be the perfect fit.

Silkie Roosters And Hens

black silkie rooster

A popular and beloved breed among chicken keepers, Silkie roosters, and hens are small, fluffy chickens with unique black plumage, five toes, and feathered legs and feet. Silkies come in a whole bunch of other colors too.

Their striking appearance and gentle, docile demeanor make them ideal for families or those new to raising poultry.

However, their distinctive black skin, bones, and smaller size yield lower meat than other breeds.

Despite their smaller size, Silkie roosters are excellent parents, and roosters can even be found sitting on their eggs to keep them warm.

However, their feathered feet require special housing considerations, as they can become dirty and matted if not kept in a clean environment.

So, while the Silkie chicken makes an excellent pet and entertaining backyard chicken, there may be better choices for those looking for a dual-purpose breed.

On the other hand, there are Silkie clubs across the U.S., making for a wonderful ornamental bird for someone looking to be more involved in the chicken world.

Sumatra Roosters And Hens

The Sumatra rooster is a glossy black chicken breed originally bred as fighting cocks in Sumatra, Borneo, and Java, Indonesian islands.

Their striking appearance, famously long tail feathers, aggressive nature, and predator-resistant traits make them an interesting choice for those looking for a more assertive breed.

However, due to their history as fighting cocks, Sumatra roosters are poor layers and undesirable for meat.

Despite their aggressive tendencies, Sumatra roosters can coexist in a mixed flock with other chickens. They are suitable for experienced chicken keepers looking for an intriguing and unique black breed of chicken.

However, their poor egg-production abilities and unsuitability for meat may make them a less practical choice for those seeking a more dual-purpose breed.

Svart Hona Roosters And Hens

The Svart Hona rooster and hens are a rare, small, and friendly breed hailing from Sweden, known for laying approximately 4 to 5 eggs per week.

This charming breed has a friendly demeanor and is well-suited for those looking for a more petite black poultry breed.

Svart Hona roosters can be a delightful addition to any backyard hobby farm, flock, or homestead coop.

Still, they are slightly prone to broodiness, which may affect their egg-laying consistency. Although broody hens will increase your chances of a sustainable flock.

If you’re looking for a rare, friendly, and small black chicken breed with a decent egg-laying capacity, the Svart Hona rooster might be the perfect choice.

Their unique appearance and charming personality make them a delightful addition to any flock, but consider their slight tendency towards broodiness when considering this breed.

Valdarno Roosters And Hens

The Valdarno rooster and hen are smaller but excellent meat producer with rich and flavorful meat. This bird nearly went extinct.

Originating from the lower part of the Valdarno valley in Tuscany, Italy, this breed is known for its intense black feathers with green highlights and strong legs, making it a visually striking addition to any flock.

Despite its smaller size, the Valdarno rooster or hen are a highly efficient meat producer, boasting rich and flavorful meat that is highly sought after.

The Valdarno chicken may be the perfect choice if you’re looking for a unique black chicken breed with exceptional meat quality and a striking appearance.

However, remember that Valdarno chickens are a smaller breed, so there may be better choices for those looking for a larger meat bird.

White-Crested Black Polish Roosters

white crested black polish rooster and hen

White-Crested Black Polish chickens have an impressive headpiece of white feathers, making them a popular ornamental breed.

Their striking appearance and friendly and docile nature make them an excellent choice for a visually stunning and unique black chicken breed.

However, their prominent white headpiece is impractical and can make them skittish and more vulnerable to predators. Regular trimming of their pom-pom feathered tops should be done to allow them to see better.

White-Crested Black Polish roosters may not be the most practical choice for those seeking a dual-purpose breed. However, their unique appearance and friendly temperament make them popular for those looking for a black ornamental breed.

If you want to raise a truly eye-catching and unique black (with a white feathered top) chicken, the White-Crested Black Polish rooster may be the perfect fit.


Throughout this exploration of black chicken breeds, we’ve discovered many striking and unique birds, each with distinct characteristics and purposes. Black chicken breeds are suitable for any backyard flock or homestead, from the rare and exotic Ayam Cemani to the friendly and docile Orpington.

When considering the best black chicken breed for your needs, consider factors such as

black rooster breeds

You can enjoy the delight and fascination of raising these enchanting black chickens by choosing the right breed for your needs.

Black chicken breeds offer unique characteristics, appearances, and purposes. These traits make them a fascinating addition to any backyard hobby farm or flock or homestead. Whether you’re interested in keeping chickens for eggs, meat, or simply as pets, a black chicken breed is perfect for you. So, delve into the world of black chickens and discover the enchanting beauty and charm these remarkable birds offer.

black cochin hen

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are all black chicken breeds rare?

Yes, it is possible to have black variants of standard breeds. This is because the color variation occurred naturally over time. However, some black chicken breeds, such as the Ayam Cemanis and Svart Honas, are rare due to their unique appearance and limited availability.

Are there black chickens that lay black eggs?

A: No, chickens are not capable of laying black eggs. This is because the breed of the chicken determines the color of chicken eggs. The darkest natural color a chicken egg can be is dark brown. Many black chicken breeds, like the Minorca and Australorp, are known for their sizeable brown egg production capabilities.

What type of rooster is all black?

The Ayam Cemani is the most suitable type of rooster that is entirely black. This rare breed from Indonesia has a dominant gene that causes its hyperpigmentation. This gene results in striking black features such as feathers, beaks, and internal organs.

Is black rooster rare?

Given the rare Indonesian Ayam Cemani breed with a dominant gene for hyperpigmentation, making it black inside and out, it can be said that black roosters are indeed rare.

What breed are black chickens?

The rare and exotic Ayam Cemani chicken breed, originally from Indonesia, is characterized by its predominantly black feathers, beak, and internal organs. This is due to a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibromelanosis).

This gene is responsible for the chicken’s unique appearance, making it a sought-after breed for poultry enthusiasts. The Ayam Cemani is also known for its high-quality meat, which is said to have a unique flavor and texture.

The breed is relatively rare and expensive, with some birds selling for thousands.

What is the most common black chicken?

The most common black chicken is the Sumatra chicken, with glossy black plumage covering its entire body. This breed of chicken is native to Sumatra in Indonesia but is also found in Borneo and Java.

Its popularity makes it a perfect choice for many poultry keepers.

What breed of chicken is totally black?

The Ayam Cemani is a breed of chicken that is black in its entirety. Originating from Indonesia, this breed of chicken has a dominant gene that gives it its trademark hyperpigmentation. This gene makes it black on the inside and out, except for its blood, which is a deep red color.