Can Chickens Eat Dog Or Cat Food; Feeding Backyard Chickens

If you’re a chicken owner, you may wonder if feeding your chickens dog food is safe. While chickens are omnivores and can eat various foods, it’s important to know what is healthy and safe for them to consume. In short, the answer is yes, chickens eat dog food, and cats do too, but there are some essential things to remember.

baby chick sitting with two puppies

Can Chickens Eat Dog Food Safely?

Firstly, it’s important to note that a dog’s food should only be fed to chickens in small amounts on occasion and as a treat, not as a replacement for their regular feed. While dog food can boost chickens’ protein, it doesn’t contain all the necessary nutrients to thrive. Additionally, letting your chickens overeat dog food can lead to an unbalanced diet and potential health problems.

It’s equally important to choose a high-quality feed for your dogs that doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients that could harm your chickens.

Some dog foods may contain harmful additives or preservatives that can harm chickens if consumed in large quantities.

Always check the ingredients list and consult with a veterinarian or poultry expert if you need clarification on the safety of a particular dog’s food.

Is Dog Food Safe For Chickens?

dog, chicken, dog food

If you’re a chicken owner, you might wonder if giving your poultry dog food is safe. While chickens are omnivores and can eat various foods, it’s important to understand their nutritional needs and the nutritional content of dog food before deciding to feed it to them.

Understanding Chicken’s Nutritional Needs

Chickens require a diet that is nutritionally balanced that includes

  • protein
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • carbohydrates

Protein is vital for laying hens as it helps with egg laying. Chickens also need calcium for strong eggshells and iron for healthy red blood cells.

While chickens can get some of their nutrients from bugs, fruits, vegetables, and even table scraps, it’s essential to provide them with a consistent source of nutrition through the commercial chicken feed.

Dog Food Nutritional Content

pupy papillion and chicken

Dog food typically contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Dry dog food tends to have a higher concentration of carbohydrates, while wet canned dog food has a higher protein concentration.

Dog food may also contain additives such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

While dog food can provide some nutritional benefits for chickens, serving it in moderation is important.

Chicken feed should make up 90% of their daily intake, with treats, including dog food, making up a maximum of 10%. Giving chickens too much dry or canned dog food can lead to obesity and malnutrition.

A regular feed schedule of dog foods contains too much protein for chickens and can negatively impact their health.

Additionally, not all dog food is safe for chickens to eat. Dog food containing sugar or high in fat can lead to health problems such as myocardial necrosis. Dog food containing certain grains may also harm chickens as they can’t digest them properly.

Wet canned dog food may also contain parasites that can harm chickens.

While chickens can eat dog food, it should only be fed occasionally and as a treat. Choosing quality dog food that is low in fat and sugar and doesn’t contain grains is essential.

Be certain your chickens have access to fresh water and various foods to meet their nutritional needs.

The Risks of Giving Chickens Dog Food

dog guarding chickens

If you’re considering giving your chickens dog food. Some risks you should be aware of:

 Toxic Ingredients in Dog Food

Many types of dog food contain ingredients that are toxic to chickens. For example, some dog foods contain solanine, a poisonous substance that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other health problems in chickens.

Digestive Problems and Health Issues

Feeding chickens dog kibble or wet canned foods can also be the reason for digestive problems as well as other health issues. Chickens have a very different digestive system than dogs and cannot digest certain ingredients found in a dog’s feed. This can lead to diarrhea, bloating, and other health problems.

Quantity and Balanced Diet

Another area for improvement with giving chickens dog feed is that ensuring they get a nutritionally balanced diet can be difficult. While dog food may be cheaper than chicken feed, it’s important to remember that chickens need a variety of foods to stay healthy. They need a diet that includes grains, greens, meats, and other nutrients. Giving them too much dog food can lead to health problems and nutritional deficiencies.

Pecking and Stress

funny expression chicken

Feeding chickens dog food can also lead to pecking and stress. Chickens are naturally curious and will peck at anything interesting, including dog food. This can lead to fights and the pecking order issues within the flock. Additionally, the stress of fighting over food can eventually cause health problems and a decrease in egg production.

In conclusion, while chickens can eat dog food, knowing the potential risks is essential. If you decide to feed your chickens dog food, do so in moderation and only as a treat. Be sure to provide a balanced diet that includes layer feed, greens, grubs, and other nutrients. And always keep an eye on your chickens to assure that they are healthy and happy.

Can Chickens Safely Eat Cat Food?

chickens eating worms

While chickens can eat a small amount of dry or wet cat food as a treat, serving them a cat’s feed is not recommended as a staple in their diet. Cat food has a different nutritional balance than what chickens need and can lead to dietary imbalances and health issues if fed regularly. Providing chickens with a primary diet of chicken feed, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats is vital.

Can Chickens Eat Pellets for Goats, Cows, and Other Livestock?

cow and two chickens on a farm

If you have a variety of livestock on your farm, you may wonder if it’s okay to feed your chickens the same pellets you give to your goats, cows, and other animals. While it’s true that chickens are omnivores and can eat a wide variety of different animal food, it’s essential to understand that not all feeds are created equal.

Goat feeds, for example, are typically between 12-14% protein, which is lower than the 16-18% protein that chickens need in their regular diet. Although chickens can eat goat feed, there should be other sources of nutrition. Relying on goat feed alone can lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems in your chickens.

Similarly, only some stock feed is ideal for chickens. While giving your chickens a handful of all stock feed or other safe feed like game bird feed once a week is safe, it should never be a regular part of their diet. All stock feed is designed for a variety of animals and may not contain the necessary nutrients that chickens need to thrive.

When it comes to feeding your chickens, it’s crucial to choose a specifically formulated feed for them. Chicken feed typically contains the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that chickens need to stay healthy and produce eggs.

Can Dogs and Cats Eat Chicken Feed?

mixed breed dog peeking out from under the shade of a coffee plant

While chickens can eat cat and dog food, can dogs and cats eat chicken foods? The answer is no. Feed for chickens is specifically formulated for chickens and does not contain the nutrients dogs and cats need to thrive.

Chicken feed is high in protein and more calcium than dog food, which can harm dogs and cats in large amounts. Additionally, chicken feed may contain additives and medications safe for chickens but can be toxic to other animals.

If you are wanting an excellent protein source for your dog or cat, consider giving them fresh chicken instead. 

While chicken feed may seem like a convenient and affordable option for giving your pets, there are more suitable choices. Stick to serving your pets a diet specifically balanced and formulated for their breed and needs.

Alternatives to Dog Food To Feed Chickens

Several options are available if you’re considering giving your chickens something other than dog food. Here are some alternatives to dog food for chickens:

Chicken Feed

A high quality commercial poultry feed is the most apparent and standard feed option for chickens. It’s formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients and minerals chickens need to stay healthy and produce eggs.

Chicken feed typically comes in pellet or crumble form, and there are different types of chicken feed available depending on the age and purpose of your chickens.

Healthy Treats

colorful cut up fruit

Treats are a great way to supplement your chickens’ diet and provide them with some variety. However, treats should only make up a small portion of your chickens’ diet, as too many treats can lead to health problems. Some other treats for chickens include:

  • Grit: Chickens need grit to aid their food. Grit is small, hard particles that chickens swallow to help grind up the food in their gizzard.
  • Avocado: While chickens can eat avocados, it’s important to note that the pit and skin are toxic. Only feed your chickens the flesh/ meat of the avocado in moderation.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Chickens love fruits and vegetables; they’re a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. Some good options include apples (without apple seeds), berries, carrots, watermelon, grapes, and leafy greens.
  • Bugs: Chickens are natural foragers and love to eat bugs. Giving them insects like mealworms and crickets can provide them with some extra protein. Allowing them to free range and eat nuisance yard critters like ticks and slugs benefit your chickens and yourself.
  • Weeds: Yes, those pesky weeds in your yard can be thinned out or possibly eliminated with a foraging flock, and they’re healthy for birds too.

Remember that treats should only be 10% of your chickens’ diet. Too many treats can lend themselves to health problems like obesity and nutrient deficiencies.


Giving dog food to your backyard chickens can be beneficial in some ways. However, it is essential to remember that dog food is not a replacement for a balanced chicken diet. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Dog food can be a source of protein for chickens, but it should not make up more than 10% of their daily diet.
  • Giving chickens a cat or dog or food can help socialize them and make them more friendly towards humans.
  • Chickens that eat cat and dog food tend to lay larger eggs than those that don’t.
  • Fresh and high-quality dog food contains vital minerals and nutrients that can benefit your chickens.
  • High-quality dry pet food, including dog food, is safe for chickens.

It is important to note that while dog food can supplement chickens, it should not give dog food regularly to your flock. Chickens require a diet that includes a mix of grains, protein, and other nutritional qualities.

Not all dog foods have quality ingredients; some may contain ingredients unsuitable for chickens.

As with any changes in feeding or diet, it is important to introduce dog food to your chickens gradually and monitor their health and behavior. It may be best to stop providing them with dog food if you notice any adverse effects, such as diarrhea or decreased egg laying.

While dog food can benefit your backyard chickens, it should be used ONLY occasionally and and as part of a balanced nutritional diet. Keeping chickens healthy will reap many rewards to you in the long run.


If you’re considering giving dog food to your chickens, you likely have a few questions. Here are some frequently asked questions about giving chickens dog food:

Can you Feed dog foods to baby chicks?

No, no, and no again. Baby chicks are still developing and their feed source should be primarily chick starter with carefully chosen treats. Avoid feeding dog foods to any chick less than maturity, typically several months old.

Can chickens eat dog food?

Yes, generally speaking chickens can eat dog food. Dog food contains protein, which is an essential nutrient for chickens. However, dog food should not be the primary source of nourishment for chickens.

How much dog food should I feed my chickens?

Chickens should not be fed dog food as their primary source of feed. Instead, dog food should be considered a treat and provided in small quantities. The bulk of a chicken’s diet should come from chicken feed.

What type of dog food is best for chickens?

Choosing high-quality dog food containing protein and other essential nutrients is important. Look for dog food with meat as the first ingredient, and avoid dog food with fillers or artificial ingredients.

Can dog food replace chicken feed?

No, dog food should not replace chicken feed. Chicken feed is formulated specifically to meet the nutritional needs of chickens, while dog food is formulated for dogs. Feeding chickens dog food as their primary source of food can lead to health problems and nutrient deficiencies.

Can feeding chickens dog food cause health problems?

Giving chickens dog food in moderation is unlikely to cause health problems. However, feeding chickens dog food as their primary source of food can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems. It’s important to remember that dog food should be considered a treat and not replace chicken feed.

Can feeding chickens dog food affect egg production?

Chickens eating dog food in moderation is unlikely to affect egg production. However, feeding chickens dog food as their primary feed source can lead to nutrient deficiencies, affecting egg production. It’s important to remember that chicken feed should make up the bulk of a chicken’s diet.

While chickens can eat dog food, it should never be their primary source of food. Dog food should be considered a treat and fed in moderation. The bulk of a chicken’s diet should come from chicken feed, specifically formulated to meet its nutritional needs.