Can Chickens Eat Cabbage? Is It Perfectly Safe?

As a backyard chicken keeper, you might wonder, “can chickens eat cabbage?” The good news is, yes, chickens can eat cabbage, and truthfully, chickens love this leafy green vegetable. Cabbage is not only safe for your chickens to consume, but it also offers a variety of nutritional benefits that can support their overall well-being.

can chickens eat cabbage? pic of a savoy cabbage   yes, chickens can eat cabbage of all types

Feeding cabbage to your chickens can be an excellent treat. It is low in fat and high in essential vitamins and nutrients. Both the green cabbage and purple cabbage varieties are suitable for your flock. It’s a cost-effective food option, making it a great addition to their meals as a treat.

As with any treat, remember to offer cabbage in moderation to maintain a balanced diet and ensure your flock’s health.

Health Benefits of Cabbage for Chickens

Cabbage is not only safe for your chickens to eat, but it also provides them with several health benefits. In this section, we’ll discuss the nutritional value of cabbage and how it contributes to the overall health of your chickens.

Nutritional Value

Cabbage is a nutrient-rich vegetable that can support the well-being of your chickens when added to their diet. Here is a list of the essential nutrients found in cabbage:

  • Vitamins: Cabbage is an excellent source of various vitamins. These include Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Folate. These vitamins support your chickens’ immune system, bone health, and metabolism.
  • Minerals: Besides vitamins, cabbage contains essential minerals like Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Zinc, and Manganese. These minerals help chickens maintain optimal health by supporting muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and bone formation.
  • Fiber: Cabbage is high in fiber, which benefits your chickens’ digestive health. Increasing the fiber content in their diet can help improve digestion and regulate their poop consistency.
  • Calories: Despite being low in calories, cabbage provides energy for your chickens without causing any potential weight or health issues.

(source: Healthline)

Adding Cabbage to a Chicken’s Diet

can chickens eat cabbage? yes, chickens can eat cabbage of all types
red and green cabbage

Treats and Moderation

When considering adding cabbage to your chicken’s diet, it’s essential to remember that it should be given as a treat and in moderation.

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable that can provide essential nutrients to your flock, such as vitamins A, B6, C, K, and E, as well as important minerals like calcium and magnesium.

However, their primary source of nutrition should be high-quality chicken feed, which should make up around 80-90% of their diet.

Incorporating vegetables and fruits into your chicken’s diet can provide additional health benefits and variety. Some excellent options include broccoli, kale, celery, and tomatoes.

Caution: Avoid certain fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, which can be toxic to chickens.

Providing ample water, protein, fat, and fiber is essential for maintaining your flock’s overall health.

When adding cabbage to your chicken’s diet, it’s essential to consider the various types available. Red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and chard are all suitable options.

As with any treat, moderation is key. Too much cabbage in chickens can lead to digestive issues and nutrient imbalances.

It is best to provide cabbage in small quantities, chopped or shredded, making it easier for your chickens to consume1.

Feeding Techniques

To efficiently feed your chickens cabbage and improve their health, consider implementing various techniques for serving this nutritious snack. This section will focus on one effective method to feed chickens cabbage:

Hanging Cabbage

Hanging cabbage is a popular way to feed backyard chickens. Serving fresh cabbage this way provides your chickens with a healthy treat and helps alleviate boredom. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a fresh, raw cabbage: Raw cabbage is better for chickens than cooked as it retains more vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, serving the cabbage leaves can be just as nutritious and enjoyable for your flock.
  2. Secure the cabbage: Attach a string or rope to the cabbage, securing it firmly. This can be done using a large hook or drilling a hole through the cabbage and threading the string or rope through.
  3. Hang the cabbage: Suspend the cabbage at a height easily reachable by your chickens. Ensure it is not too high for them to access or too low that it drags on the ground.
  4. Allow free access: Once the cabbage is hung, let your chickens enjoy it. The swinging motion of the cabbage not only provides a fun activity for them and encourages natural pecking behaviors.

Including cabbage in your chickens’ diet can aid their immune and digestive systems, reducing the risk of diarrhea. However, remember that when you give your chickens cabbage it should be in moderation to supplement their regular chicken feed.

Regular feed is essential for a balanced diet that keeps them strong and healthy.

  • Hanging cabbage can be a beneficial way to provide your backyard chickens with a nourishing and entertaining snack. Whether you serve cabbage raw, cooked, or just the leaves, incorporating cabbage into their treats can contribute to their overall well-being.

Preventing Health Issues

inside of red cabbage

Feeding your chickens cabbage can provide them with essential minerals and antioxidants that can help maintain their overall health.

However, being aware of potential health issues from toxicity and pesticides in fresh produce is vital. This section will discuss these concerns and how to prevent them.


While eating cabbage alone is generally safe for your chickens, some cruciferous vegetables might contain toxins that can be harmful when consumed in large quantities.

These toxins can cause chronic inflammation, arthritis, and other health problems in your birds.

It is crucial to provide a balanced diet for your chickens, which includes a variety of vegetables and grains to prevent excessive intake of any particular food item.


Another concern when feeding cabbage to your chickens is the potential presence of pesticides. Cabbage can be treated with various chemicals to protect it from pests during cultivation. These pesticides may remain on the leaves and can be toxic to your chickens if ingested.

To minimize the risk, thoroughly wash the cabbage before serving it to your birds. Consider purchasing organic cabbage, which is typically produced using fewer synthetic pesticides.

By paying attention to these precautions, you can help safeguard your chickens from potential health issues related to cabbage consumption.

By providing a balanced diet and ensuring the cabbage is clean and pesticide-free, you can contribute to your chickens’ overall health while benefiting from their rich source of essential nutrients.

Can Baby Chicks Eat Cabbage?

baby chicks in grass

Cabbage, including baby chicks, can be a nutritious and enjoyable treat for your chickens. However, feeding them the right way is important to ensure their health and safety.

Feeding Baby Chicks

Offering cabbage to your chicks’ food, offer small, finely chopped pieces. This makes it easier for them to digest and prevents choking.

Remember that cabbage should be given in moderation and not serve as their primary source of nutrition.

Chicks require a diet rich in protein for proper growth and development. A high-quality chick starter feed is essential during their first weeks to provide the necessary nutrients, including calcium for strong bones and a proper protein-to-calcium ratio.

As chicks mature, they need less protein and more calcium to support egg production and overall health.

Feeding tips for chicks:

  • Gradually introduce cabbage and other greens as a supplement to their primary diet
  • Monitor their response and adjust portions accordingly
  • Provide clean, fresh water along with the cabbage

Cabbage is an excellent addition to your flock’s meals, offering a variety of healthy nourishment. Most birds, including baby chicks, can safely consume cabbage and enjoy its benefits when fed appropriately and with a balanced meal plan.

Remember to continually monitor your flock’s health and consult with a professional if you have any concerns about their nutrition.

Rotation with Other Foods

fresh vegetables

Diversifying Treats

When providing treats to your chickens, it’s essential to maintain a diverse and balanced diet. Rotating different food items can keep chickens healthy your flock healthy and ensure proper nutrition.

Offering various fruits, vegetables, and other treats in moderation can benefit their overall health and egg production.

Remember that moderation is key when providing treats to your flock. You can offer fruits such as watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, mango, and tomatoes without causing any harm.

However, ensure to do it sparingly, as too many treats could disrupt their regular dietary routine and cause health problems. Keep treats as a small and occasional part of their overall nourishment.

Veggies like celery and cabbage are great additions to your bird’s meal. Just make sure to chop them up into smaller pieces for easy consumption.

You can also give your feathered friends leftover scraps of rice, pasta, and other grains in moderation. These can provide a source of carbohydrates and energy, but be sure to feed them appropriately, as it can disrupt their usual layer feed.

Chickens need a diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals provided by their primary feed source.

In addition to fruits and veggies, chickens love bugs. Bugs, such as mealworms, can provide an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids, which helps support egg production and overall health.

They also offer essential nutrients like omega-6 fatty acids, selenium, and betaine, which further contribute to a balanced and healthy diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I feed cabbage to my chickens?

You can feed cabbage to your flock by offering them the leaves or cutting the whole cabbage into smaller pieces.

Alternatively, you can hang an entire cabbage in the chicken coop or run, encouraging your hens and rooster to peck at it and stay active while consuming it.

Can ducks and chickens eat cabbage?

Yes, both poultry types can enjoy cabbage in their diets. It is a healthy addition to their meals, providing them with essential nutrients and vitamins.

Is cooked cabbage okay for chickens?

While cooked cabbage is not harmful to chickens, it is best to offer them uncook cabbage. Cooking cabbage may reduce the nutrient content, and fresh cabbage is more natural for your birds.

1 thought on “Can Chickens Eat Cabbage? Is It Perfectly Safe?”

  1. Pingback: How to Stop Chickens From Pecking Each Other; 9 Ways to Curb Pecking Order

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