Mille Fleur D’Uccle Bantam Chickens; What To Know And Love

Are you thinking about getting a Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantam chicken? They are such sweet little chickens and make great pets, but there are some things you should know before you get one.

This article will share these amazing chickens’ history, features, and care requirements. So read more about the Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam breed!

These beautiful birds are known for their striking plumage and personality and make excellent pets.

The Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicken is a breed of bantam chicken that originates from the small village of Uccle in Belgium. This breed was first developed in the early 1900s and remains a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers and hobby farmers today.

If you’re thinking about adding some Mille Fleur chickens to your flock, read on to learn all you need to know about this precious breed.

bearded d'uccle from belgium, mille fleur meaning thousand flowers

Historical Origins Of The Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chicken

The Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicken comes from the French words “Mille Fleur,” meaning “thousand flowers.” This refers to the bird’s distinct plumage, which is covered in an abundance of small, delicate feathers. Each feather is tipped in black or white, giving the appearance of sparkles or a thousand flowers.

Michael Van Gelder developed the Belgian d’Uccle Bantam in Brussels’ Uccle, Belgium’s southeast outskirts, between 1890 and 1900.

The d’Uccle is thought to have some Japanese Bantam bloodlines, having Asian and Belgian roots.

The first Belgian d’Uccles strains were the Mille Fleur, Porcelain, and White. Still, the Mille Fleur became the first Belgian d’Uccles strain to meet the American Poultry Association’s Standards of Perfection in 1914.

Once the breed was established, it quickly gained popularity among enthusiasts. Mille Fleur d’Uccle chickens are kept worldwide and remain popular for backyard chicken keepers, hobby farmers, and bantam enthusiasts.

What Do Mille fleur Chickens Look Like?

Size and Weight

The Mille Fleur are true bantams, meaning there are no (larger) standard-size chickens and (only bantam) in their kind or breed.

Bantams are small chickens. While many standard breeds also have bantam versions, like the Araucana or Brahma chickens. The Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantam is a breed that does not have a standard-sized breed to its namesake.

Mille Fleurs are small birds; males typically weigh between 26 ounces, while females weigh in at 22 ounces.


The breed has a small single comb and near non-existent wattles. Hens will have smaller ear lobes.

The most distinguishing feature of the Mille fleur chicken is its plumage. The feathering on a Milfleur’s body is soft and has beautiful and distinct coloring.

The true adult coloring does not usually become apparent until after the first molting period.

Their primary color is rich mahogany. There are black and white flecks on the tips of feathers that are present throughout the entire body of this beauty. Tail feathers are black tail tipped with white and appear crescent moon shaped.

Their legs have long upper leg feathers that sweep back to the tail. Not only are their legs feathered, but they also have feathered feet.

The hen’s head/face is framed with a bearded muff, giving them a rounder face appearance.

mille fleur d'Uccle closeup of feathers

What do d’Uccle baby chicks look like?

Baby chicks have yellowish fluffy downy feathers at birth that darken as they grow older.

What Is The Personality Of A Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chicken?

They are popular backyard chickens due to their friendly and chatty nature. They are known for being inquisitive, adventurous, and curious, often flying up to shoulders or perching on heads for a better look at their human companions. While females are generally shyer and reserved, males are typically more outgoing and protective. Once they get familiar with you, they may follow you around the yard or even ride on your shoulder!

Mille Fleur d’Uccles are simply adorable. The d’Uccle’s sweet disposition makes them a must for anyone who likes pet bantams.

Are Mille Fleur d’Uccles Noisy?

These small bundles of color also have quite colorful conversations. While they aren’t loud, they are quite talkative birds, chatting it up as girls do.

As with most chickens, when hens lay, there is a bit louder and more noise but certainly no more than any other hen during egg laying.

white d'Uccle Bantam rooster

Breed Variations


Recognized in 1996 by the American Poultry Association (APA) and American Bantam Association. (ABA)


Recognized by ABA.


Recognized by ABA.

Golden Neck

Recognized by the APA and ABA. Golden neck d’Uccle displays beautiful Golden feathering, each feather ending in a creamy white tip, similar to other d’Uccles. Their tail feathers are creamy, off-white in color.

golden neck d'Uccle free range


Recognized by ABA.

Mille Fleur

Recognized by the APA and ABA.


Recognized by the APA and ABA. This bird is sometimes incorrectly referred to as Black Mottled. Their feathers are that high gloss look with a green ‘sheen’ similar to what you see in a Jersey Black Giant. Approximately 25-30% of their feathers are tipped white.


Recognized by the APA and ABA. The Porcelain D’Uccle have beards and feathered legs, and their feathers are a lovely blueish-white that almost appears pearlescent, with white tips at the end of each feather.

Self Blue

Recognized by the APA and ABA. Self Blue d’Uccle is solid light blue or powder blue in color.


Recognized by the APA and ABA. Feathers like a freshly fallen blanket of snow when it’s still sparkling. The White d’Uccle doesn’t need to show off its beauty with multiple colors; its pure white stands proudly on its own.

Does A Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chicken Lay Eggs

What size and color eggs do Mille Fleurs lay?

The eggs are small

Egg color is cream

small cream colored egg vs 4 medium brown eggs

How many eggs do Mille Fleurs lay?

All d’Uccle are fair layers and the Mille Fleurs are no exception. The egg production for these birds is about 120-150 a year per chicken.

Egg laying can vary if your particular hens go broody. Not all d’Uccles do, but it pays to be aware that it could reduce your fresh eggs.

When will the Mille Fleur Chickens Start Egg Laying?

The Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantam will start laying eggs between 5 – 6 months of age.

Bonus: Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantam is said to lay throughout the winter. To a standard chicken owner, that’s a treat worth celebrating.

The Chicken Coop

Your Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens’ space needs are quite different from standard chickens. Bantams, in general, require less square footage overall than the larger, standard breeds.

If you plan on having a mixed flock, please refer to the space guidelines of your largest chicken breed.

Space: Because bantams are smaller than standard chickens, they require less area.

A Mille Fleur bantam chicken needs approximately 2 square feet of space inside its coop.

This provides them the necessary space to move about and have a calm area if they so desire.

Perch: For the perches, give them a minimum of six inches. Perch options can be 2’x4’s, upturned pails, step ladders, and upside-down crates.

Nesting box: Your chicken coop should have one nesting box for every four bantam hens. Nesting boxes can be 12×12.

Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam Rooster

The Chicken Run

Space: Each Mille Fleur will require a minimum of 4 square feet of run space. Bantams will utilize both horizontal and vertical spaces.

Perches: Varying the heights of outdoor perches, ladders or other varying height structures, platforms fashioned like shelving (think of attaching to outside of coop), and old logs/ sturdy branches, even a small dog house or crate for exploring all create interest for your bantams. Remember, these are busy and curious little birds.

Toys: Yes, chickens like toys too. Your Mille Fleur d’Uccles need things to keep them from getting bored. The perches are a great way to give them places to move about, but toys provide activities to busy their beaks, feet, and minds.

Dust Bath: A dust bath area is always a great idea. Not only will this help your flock stay beautiful but it also has the added health benefit of allowing the bird to rid itself of lice and mites.

Shelter from elements: Like all chickens, you want to be sure the run area includes a covered area. This allows your Mille Fleur d’Uccle to get outside while staying protected from rain and snow and even seeking shade from the hot sun. A shelter can be a tarp hung above or a lean-to made from a piece of plywood.

Fencing height: Don’t skimp here. The Mille Fleur bantams can fly; they love flying. Keep your fence height between 6-8′ and cover it at the top with hardware cloth or other secure materials. This will safeguard your Mille Fleur bantams from predators.

Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam Hen

Free-Range and Foraging

The Mille Fleur chickens love foraging; their busy and curious personality almost demands the activity, if not for nutrition but for the thrill of the adventure.

But, this is a big (or little) consideration. These birds are ‘little’ and are much more prone to predators. They can fly, so if trees are nearby, they can help protect themselves from predators like coyotes by taking flight.

However, they are not a match for the Hawk family of predators. These overhead predators are a real threat to your smaller birds and should be taken seriously.

So, while the answer is yes, your Mille Fleur d’Uccle is good at foraging, we strongly suggest this only happen when you are out and about with your birds. The human presence will reduce the threat of predators. 

Are Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam Cold Hardy and Heat Tolerant?

Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam chickens are known for being cold and hardy, but they can also tolerate warm temperatures. In the winter, it’s important to shelter them from extremely cold weather. Keep them in a warm coop that is free of drafts. In the summer, provide them with plenty of shaded areas.

Chicken coop preparations include fixing leaky areas, repairing holes, and drafty spaces. Be sure there is proper ventilation. Ventilation will keep moisture from building up, thus keeping a coop warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Runs should be secure from predators, and overhanging branches should be trimmed. The area should also be shoveled in the winter and have a shady area in the summer.

Frostbite Precautions need to be taken to keep your Mille Fleur d’Uccles from getting their feathered feet and legs from getting wet in the winter. This can lead to frostbite. Frostbite is not only extremely painful but deadly, especially in a small chicken.

By taking these preventative steps, you can help your Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam chickens stay healthy and comfortable all year long.

mille fleur d'Uccle free range

Feeders and Waterers Year’ Round

Keep your feeders and waterers clean. You may want an extra feeder and water container on hand so you can rotate as you clean these. Be sure to use warm soapy water and that the grain feeder is thoroughly dry before placing feed inside.

The feed should be clean, fresh, and stored in a cool, dark area. Consider storing it in a barrel or plastic tub in your garage or shed. Don’t store feed for long periods in warm weather; it can spoil and get buggy. The best way to maintain fresh feed is to purchase from your local grain store regularly.

Waterers should be kept filled, fresh and clean at all times. In the summer, add ice cubes to waterers to help with keeping water fresh and cool. Winter time can be challenging, but a heated waterer can help greatly. Be sure any electrical connections are safe and secure.

porcelain d'Uccle Bantam rooster

Is The Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam Right For You?

The Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantam is a small yet adorable breed with a vibrant personality and appearance. These chickens love affection and are very chatty. They require less space than standard chickens and are happy being confined. The Mille Fleur d’Uccle will provide delicious small cream-colored eggs for your family. If you’re thinking of raising chickens, the Mille Fleur d’Uccle is a great breed to consider as a pet chicken.

d’Uccle FAQ’s

What do you mean by Mille Fleur?

Thousand Flowers

  • The word Mille translates to Thousand.
  • The word Fleur translates to Flowers.

What color eggs do porcelain d’Uccle lay?

The same as all D’Uccle chickens, small cream-colored eggs. Egg production is also the same. They lay 120-150 eggs per year.

Where Can Someone Buy A Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chicken?

Check out the Breeder list in this link to the Belgian d’Uccle & 

​Booted Bantam Club.

belgium map